Independent Financial Advice – Does It Help

So many people avoid seeking independent financial advice, believing that only rich people need that kind of service. The truth is, no matter what your current financial situation looks like right now, you can really benefit from sitting down with an advisor to help you create a plan for your financial future.

Aside from helping you work through a debt management plan, you can also work together to create a blueprint designed to help you move towards financial freedom. Your plan for your own future is completely up to you, but if you speak to your advisor about what you hope to achieve, you’re more likely to come up with a realistic goal-plan. You plan might be to increase your retirement savings, pay off your mortgage, reduce your other debts completely and free up your income each month for other things you want to achieve.

When Should You Seek Independent Financial Advice?

You’re able to make an appointment for some independent financial advice when you feel the need for some direction or if you’re unsure how to regain control of your financial situation and get ahead. Your advisor will sit down with you and develop a blueprint for your personal finances based on your specified goals and ideals.

It’s also important to make an appointment with your advisor any time your financial situation changes. If your income changes or if you have children or if your level of debt has changed, you should speak with your advisor to check how these things can affect your plan.

You should also find some independent financial advice if you don’t know where to begin to get yourself out of debt or begin to build up some savings for an emergency fund or for your retirement plans.

What Can Independent Financial Advice Do For You?

Your advisor can help you to create a budget that could reduce your expenditure each month. You might also find you’re able to find ways to pay off your existing debts faster.

Once you have managed to get your personal finances under control and your income is no longer going towards debt repayments, you can begin to learn ways to invest that excess cash. Your investment strategy should be discussed during your independent financial advice session and should include investment options that suit your own level of risk tolerance as well as meet your investing goals.

This means your advisor might recommend you work on building up your cash savings to start with or suggest a regular contribution towards your retirement fund. Some advisors may help you take cautious steps into investing in mutual funds or even managed stock portfolios once you’ve built up enough savings to invest.

So if you’re in a situation where you’re unsure which direction you should take to get yourself on the right track with your personal finances, make an appointment for independent financial advice. You’ll be surprised at how easily an impartial opinion can alter your entire outlook and planning for the well-being of your financial future.


30 years in financial services. Worked for Dreyfus, Georgeson Shareholders, and Bank Of America.


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