My Favorite Five Online Investing Courses

Written By: UImtiaz
Freelance Writer

I found a great online stock investing course site that helps individuals to learn about Wall Street and to gain confidence in Stock Investing. It is known as “Online Investment Academy (OIA)”, and you can visit them today at

I believe that this site offers profound opportunities to learn effective tips and proven strategies for successful stock investing. The mission statement of this site is, "We help visitors to learn how to make Wall Street work harder for Main Street." They appear to achieve this by assembling an attractive and well assembled "Wealth Building Learning Center".

Many folks find stock investing to be a complicated process and are often turned off to investing as a result of these complexities. As a result, they turn away from stock investing. For example some common questions they have are; how do I select an ideal stock to start with? How do investments such as Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds and IRA’s differ? Also, if I start buying stocks, how do I know what price to buy in, how long to hold it, when is the right time to get out.

OIA stock investing course-ware helps to demystify these questions with straight forward content written in easy to understand language including illustrations and examples. OIA has an edge over other sites I visited due to its abundance of free tools, articles, guides and course-ware available to prepare individuals to not only learn about stock investing but to excel at it!

Here are a few of the free guides found on their site:

  • Learn 3 Steps to Profitable Investment Today
  • Learn 9 Survival Tips for Market Shakeout Blues
  • Learn 10 Golden Rules for Stock Trading Success

To help you to gain even more confidence and stock investing know-how, this site provides a free 12 days online investing crash course available to all who register.

Here are my top online stock investing courses:

  • Power Investing Tips for Beginners
  • Maximizing your Investment Opportunities
  • Investing in Mutual Funds
  • Retirement Investing
  • How to Start an Investment Club

Below is a quick summary of my favorite picks.

If you are new to investing and desire to get tips and effective investing strategies then this course offers a beneficial start. The aim of this course is to demystify what professional traders and investors do on Wall Street so that you can have the same fundamental tools and processes to make successful and informed investment choices the way the the Pro’s do. There are 34 lessons in this course. Each lesson builds upon what you learn from a previous lesson. After completion of this course, you will have learned new information about Wall Street and stock investing that can allow to start investing with more confidence. Here are some important lessons you will learn in this online stock investing class to start building wealth by acquiring stock assets.

  • Why you should invest
  • How Wall Street works - Why you should care
  • A History of the Stock Market – What you can learn from it
  • Different sorts of Investments that you need to know about
  • Investing in the Stock Market – How to get started
  • Best Investments for beginners
  • What is an Investment Strategy – Why it matters
  • Creating an Investment Plan
  • Determine your Risk Tolerance
  • Investing mistakes to avoid

  • After completing the course “Power Investing Tips for Beginners”, this site offers an additional course to continue building your confidence in stock investment. The course “Maximizing your Investment Opportunities” provides an in-depth look of stock investing.  With the help of 49 lessons, you will learn invaluable knowledge such:

  • How to make money in stock market
  • Creating your personal investment plan
  • Identifying trends in the stock market
  • Locating the right Brokerage Company for you
  • How to avoid problems with your investments
  • 13 mistakes beginners investors make
  • Myths and Facts about investing
  • Eight Tips from investment professionals
  • Tools to help with your investment decisions

  • In this course, OIA helps you to learn how to leverage stock investments such as Mutual Funds, Index and ETF investments. Many investors believe these investments to be safer and lower risk strategies for building long term wealth. Here are some of key the lessons you will learn in this course:

    • Reasons to invest
    • What are the different Investment Types?
    • Should you invest in Mutual Funds or Stocks?
    • How to Profit from Investing in Mutual Funds
    • 4 Advantages of Mutual Fund Investing
    • Stocks verses Mutual Funds - Which Has The Biggest Bang For Your Buck
    • How to Diversify Your Portfolio And Spread Your Risk
    • Mutual Fund Basics - Learn These Fundamentals To Success

    If you are concerned about your future, and you want to build a healthy nest egg towards your retirement, then this is a course that you will need to make confident investments choices. In this course, OIA offers essential lessons related to retirement and wealth building. Here are the few key lessons offered in this course:

    • Investing for retirement
    • Ways to simplify your Investing
    • Are Self-Directed IRAs too good to be true?
    • Eight Tips for becoming a Better Investor
    • A Quick Guide To Understanding Your Individual Retirement Account
    • What to expect when meeting with a Financial Advisor for the First Time
    • A Roth IRA - How It Works
    • Read This If You Can’t Possibly Save Enough for Retirement
    • How to Find the Best Retirement Plans

    If you desire to learn about investing from others, build a network of investing partners and / or to have fun investing and collaborating with other investors then you may consider joining or starting your own investment club.  However, if you are worrying about how to start and set up a successful Investment Club, and some of the legal issues to run it then this course offers all the things you need to get started with. Here are the few important lessons you can learn in this course:

    • What is the purpose of an investment club and why you should start it
    • How to find members for your club and how to register your investment club
    • Successful startup advice for an investment club
    • What legal issues are involved in starting an Investment Club
    • What business structure should an investment club take on

    OIA’s Wealth Building Learning Center provides an important road map to wealth building. Their online investing portal incorporates financial blog articles, free stock guides, a 12 day online course and comprehensive online classes to build you stock investing knowledge base and confidence. If you desire to add some professional stock know-how at prices that will not break your bank then I would highly recommend that you visit their web site and take a strong look at their online stock training courses.

    PS. You can always start your online stock investment training by signing up for their free 12 days Online Stock Investing Crash Course.


    30 years in financial services. Worked for Dreyfus, Georgeson Shareholders, and Bank Of America.


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