Wealth Building

Investing In Mutual Funds

19 Chapters 19 Lessons Easy

About this course

Learn how to build investment income and equity using investment vehicles such as Mutual Funds, ETF's and Index Funds.


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    • 7 Ways To Invest Even If You're Broke
    • 7 Things You Need To Know Before You Start investing
    • 13 Pitfalls To Avoid For New investors
    • 3 Steps To Profitable Investing
    • 10 Golden Rules For Stock Trading Success
    • 9 Survival Tips For The Market Shakeout Blues
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What You Will Learn:

  • Are You Ready to Invest?

  • Reasons to Invest

  • What are the Different Investment Types?

  • Should You Invest In Mutual Funds Or Stocks?

  • How To Profit From Investing In Mutual Funds

  • 4 Advantages Of Mutual Fund Investing

  • Stocks verses Mutual Funds - Which Has The Biggest Bang For Your Buck

  • Stocks Or Mutual Funds - Maybe Not A Binary Choice

  • How to Diversify Your Portfolio And Spread Your Risk

  • Why Diversify - Don't Keep All Of Your Eggs In One Basket

  • Low Risk Stocks - Risks vs Return

  • Mutual Fund Basics - Learn These Fundamentals To Success

  • Mutual Fund Pros

  • Mutual Fund Cons

  • Why are Mutual Funds Popular?

  • Mutual Fund Investing Simplified

  • What Are Index Funds - Why You Should Care!

  • Saving money through investing in mutual funds

  • Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds


Course Structure

Are You Ready to Invest? 1 Lesson

Are You Ready to Invest?

We grew up in world in which the news about the failure of Social Security is almost as constant as the news about the failure HMOs.


Reasons to Invest 1 Lesson

Reasons to Invest

Many people think of investing in the stock market as a means of reaching retirement goals and nothing more.


What are the Different Investment Types? 1 Lesson

What are the Different Investment Types?

You will find all kinds of investments available to you once you enter the world of stock market investing and mutual funds investing.


Should You Invest In Mutual Funds Or Stocks? 1 Lesson

Should You Invest In Mutual Funds Or Stocks?

With so many options out there for the individual investor, it is sometimes difficult to determine that investments are right for you. The key to having a long-term, stable and profitable portfolio is to diversify your investments. For many investors the process of diversification includes investing in both mutual funds and stocks. The best course is to learn all you can about both types of investments and find your ideal balance between the two.


How To Profit From Investing In Mutual Funds 1 Lesson

How To Profit From Investing In Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are an interesting investment strategy. Here is a pool of money that is supplied by the investors which is then invested in a variety of stocks, bonds, and other money markets. Check out how to profit by investing in mutual funds.

To buy mutual funds you can purchase directly, use a regular broker, an online broker, buy through a financial agent, or buy from your bank. Each fund has a professional investment manager who is responsible for ensuring that the best investments go into the fund. How to profit by investing in mutual funds starts by buying some and learning as you go.


4 Advantages Of Mutual Fund Investing 1 Lesson

4 Advantages Of Mutual Fund Investing

Mutual funds have grown in popularity over the last few years to the point where it’s harder to find an investor who is not using mutual funds than one who is. The popularity of mutual funds is no surprise when you consider that they are one of the easiest investments to use and require very little knowledge of the financial markets. There are 4 main advantages that mutual funds offer every investor, as you will learn in this article.


Stocks verses Mutual Funds - Which Has The Biggest Bang For Your Buck 1 Lesson

Stocks verses Mutual Funds - Which Has The Biggest Bang For Your Buck

Stocks vs Mutual funds - what the right fit for you?


Stocks Or Mutual Funds - Maybe Not A Binary Choice 1 Lesson

Stocks Or Mutual Funds - Maybe Not A Binary Choice

If you happen to have some money left over at the end of all the bill payments and you have no need for anymore toys, or even if you are beginning a prudent and fiscally responsible gamble on some wealth that incorporates investment opportunities, you may find yourself wondering whether investing in stocks or purchasing mutual funds will offer the best returns. You might also consider this question when considering how to set up a retirement fund.


How to Diversify Your Portfolio And Spread Your Risk 1 Lesson

How to Diversify Your Portfolio And Spread Your Risk

I'm sure you've heard how important it is to keep a diverse financial portfolio.


Why Diversify - Don't Keep All Of Your Eggs In One Basket 1 Lesson

Why Diversify - Don't Keep All Of Your Eggs In One Basket

Investing is a risky venture whether you are a seasoned pro or a rank novice.


Low Risk Stocks - Risks vs Return 1 Lesson

Low Risk Stocks - Risks vs Return

Stocks are a great way to secure your family's financial future.


Mutual Fund Basics - Learn These Fundamentals To Success 1 Lesson

Mutual Fund Basics - Learn These Fundamentals To Success

If you are considering investing in the stock market in one way, shape, form, or fashion you've probably heard the term "mutual fund."


Mutual Fund Pros 1 Lesson

Mutual Fund Pros

Every investment type has its share of pros and cons, the same holds true when it comes to mutual funds.


Mutual Fund Cons 1 Lesson

Mutual Fund Cons

Just as there are many benefits to investing your hard earned dollars in mutual funds there are a few drawbacks to this decision as well.


Why are Mutual Funds Popular? 1 Lesson

Why are Mutual Funds Popular?

Mutual funds are probably one of the most popular choices in investing today.


Mutual Fund Investing Simplified 1 Lesson

Mutual Fund Investing Simplified

What is a mutual fund anyways an average person may well ask?

A mutual fund is simply a co-operative means by which means many people can pool their savings together and have it professionally managed and as well take advantage of institutional volume discount pricing of purchase and sales commissions.

The concepts of pooling allow investors with relative small amounts of money to access investments that may require larger sums to achieve affordability.


What Are Index Funds - Why You Should Care! 1 Lesson

What Are Index Funds – Why You Should Care!

There are many mutual funds and ETF’s on the market (ETF stands for Exchange Traded Funds). But only a few perform as well as the S&P 500 or better. It has been established that the S&P 500 has produced strong long term results. So how can the average investor convert these results into money? Index fund shares may offer an important solution.

Index Funds seek investment results that correspond with the total return of the some market index (for example S&P 500). Investing into index funds leverages a process that links the performance of the shares close to result of the S&P 500 index overall.


Saving money through investing in mutual funds 1 Lesson

Saving money through investing in mutual funds

A good mutual fund company will know how to use the investor's money to buy and sell large amounts of securities. The aim of mutual fund companies is to increase their profit margins. The individual who invests on mutual funds also has a similar objective of squeezing maximum profit out of it. It's a win-win situation, only if you know how to make the most out of investing in mutual funds and thus saving your money from being wasted. When selecting funds, be sure to take note of your goals and ambitions so that you can invest in the right fund.


Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds 1 Lesson

Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds

When it comes to investing your money for retirement, mutual funds are, more times than not, the way to go. If you have read a number of personal finance articles, you might notice that writers continually talk about these funds. Still, they often fail to explain the basic premise behind mutual funds; so many investors have a limited idea of what they are.
