Wealth Building

Maximize Your Investing Opportunities

30 Chapters 49 Lessons Easy

About this course

Investing is complicated, but it doesn't have to be that way! Our course makes it easy, fun and empowering. We take the complexities of building wealth and provide a road map that is easy to follow and fulfilling. In this course we provide an important review of effective financial strategies and tips to get you positioned and excited about stock investing. In our next group of courses, we build upon this foundation with more real world examples and detail.

Are you ready to begin this journey?


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  • Six FREE Investor, Quick Start Guides Today!
    • 7 Ways To Invest Even If You're Broke
    • 7 Things You Need To Know Before You Start investing
    • 13 Pitfalls To Avoid For New investors
    • 3 Steps To Profitable Investing
    • 10 Golden Rules For Stock Trading Success
    • 9 Survival Tips For The Market Shakeout Blues
  • FREE Investor Crash Course
  • Access to premium investor content
  • Over 50 plus hours of content including blog articles


What You Will Learn:


  • Start Investing Now Before It Is Too Late!
  • How to make money in the stock market
  • Creating Your Personal Investment Plan
  • Identifying Trends In The Stock Market
  • Locating the Right Brokerage Company for You
  • How to Avoid Problems with Your Investments
  • 13 Mistakes Beginner Investors Make
  • Myths and Facts about Investing
  • Eight Tips from Investment Professionals
  • Tools to Help with Your Investment Decisions
  • Understanding Financial Statements
  • What You Need to Know about Investment Portfolios
  • Stock Investing Mistakes That Make A Difference
  • 7 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Investing
  • How To Make Money With Smart Investing
  • Analyze Your Stocks And Double Your Profit
  • What You Need to Know about Investment Portfolios
  • Beginning Investing: Without Much To Invest!
  • Emotion In Investing
  • The Top Three Tips On Selecting A Financial Advisor
  • How To Avoid Dumb Investment Mistakes
  • Understanding All Of Your Stock Options
  • Understanding Financial Statements - What You Need To Know
  • How to Interpret and Profit from Financial Statements
  • What Are Operating Expenses And Why You Should Care
  • 10 Tips On How To Survive A Stock Market Correction
  • How To Beat The Dow Jones Industrial Average
  • Find The Stock Market Confusing? Keep Reading
  • Risks Of The Stock Market – It Doesn’t Have To Be Scary

Course Structure

Start Investing Now Before It Is Too Late! 1 Lesson

Start Investing Now Before It Is Too Late!

Accept it many of you are now spending on bills to pay for what you have wanted for years and now you can finally afford it. The last thing you will thing about is an investment for your retirement. It is your choice whether to have fun with spending money now but suffer when you get older or inverse! Take some advice from those with a little more experience: Start investing early in your career. Start from day one and you will never miss that money you’re setting aside.

How to make money in the stock market 1 Lesson

How to make money in the stock market

The very basic option trading strategy


Creating Your Personal Investment Plan 9 Lessons

Where Do I Begin?

Before you start your journey to investing it’s important to make an action plan so that you know what you’re wealth building strategy is and how you plan to execute it.

Create A Financial Profile Of Where You Are Today

It’s very important for you to check your current financial status by writing down all your assets, income, and debt. 

Set Goals for Where You Want to Be

Setting your goals for where you desire to be in the next 5, 10, or plus years will help you to build a solid foundation for smart investing. 

Start A Plan To Pay Down Your Consumer Debt

One of the most important things you can do for your future is to pay down consumer debt. 

Select An Investment Strategy That Aligns With Your Risk Tolerance

Now that you have that knowledge, you can start creating a wealth building strategy.

Based on Your Goals and Tolerance For Risk, Determine How much Savings You Need Each Month

Determine how much you need to invest in each area each month to reach your short-term and long-term goals. 

Review Your Investment Plan Regularly

Monitor your investments periodically...

Sit Back, Relax, Have Fun and Feel Empowered

You've takened a big step - now take a victory lap!


Identifying Trends In The Stock Market 1 Lesson


Locating the Right Brokerage Company for You 3 Lessons

Where Do I Begin

One of the things you need to do when you decide to invest is to choose a broker.

Do It Yourself versus Hiring a Broker

If you are working with limited funds, your best bet is to go for the do-it-yourself model.

Researching Brokerage Firms

Here are some questions to ask as you do your research to find the right broker for you.


How to Avoid Problems with Your Investments 5 Lessons

Educate Yourself before You Spend Your Money

Most problems with investing can be completely avoided if you do your due diligence!

Invest with Logic Not Love

Money is often a very emotional part of our lives. 

Understand That Investing Is a Long-Term Plan

With the exception of day traders, for most people investing is a long-term plan. 

Know What Fees, Charges and Commissions You’re Paying

This goes back to the idea that investing is a long-term plan!

Don’t Try to Time the Market

Very well-trained financial planners and investors often make bad decisions when they try to time!


13 Mistakes Beginner Investors Make 1 Lesson

How To Avoid These Mistakes

As a beginner investor it’s important to know what mistakes people made before you.


Myths and Facts about Investing 2 Lessons


There are a lot of myths when it comes to investing that you’ll need to overcome so that you can succeed.


#1 You Will Never Beat the Market



Eight Tips from Investment Professionals 1 Lesson


Tools to Help with Your Investment Decisions 1 Lesson

Use These Tools To Gather Invaluable Information

Making good financial choices and investment decisions requires a lot of research, education and help.


Understanding Financial Statements 1 Lesson

Gain Knowledge To Make Better investments

When you get involved with investing, it's important to understand some basic information about how to read and understand financial statements!


What You Need to Know about Investment Portfolios 5 Lessons

Asset Allocation

Your investment portfolio is a collection of different investments for which you’ve betted in order to earn income.

Risk Tolerance

The way you decide upon asset allocation is based on how tolerant you are of risk. 


Depending upon your risk level and the amount of money you have to invest, you’ll choose a certain percentage of stocks, bonds and cash. 

Choose and Let It Ride

If you’re a smart investor, once you choose a portfolio you’ll leave it and let it ride...

Rebalancing Your Portfolio

At some point you may need to re-balance your portfolio...


Stock Investing Mistakes That Make A Difference 1 Lesson

Stock Investing Mistakes That Make A Difference

The process of investing is a great way for you to earn potential income. Hardly any people have the knowledge to be able to suceed, however, so many people rely upon brokerages to manage their portfolio for them. There are, however, some common investing mistakes that people make that can result in huge losses and missed opportunities. Here are a list of the absolute worst mistakes to avoid when investing in the stock market.


7 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Investing... 1 Lesson

7 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Investing…

Don't throw your money down the drain! Do a checklist of the 7 Things you really must know before start investing...


How To Make Money With Smart Investing 1 Lesson

How To Make Money With Smart Investing

There’s no doubt that stocks can stay oversold or over purchased for much longer than one might think. But there are always clues that the time to go against the crowd is about to arrive. And there is no doubt that a contrarian investing strategy will be very rewarding. In fact here are three common contrarian investing strategies.


Analyze Your Stocks And Double Your Profit 1 Lesson

Analyze Your Stocks And Double Your Profit

An investor buys a share of stock by resorting to various approaches that validate his investment by reaping rich profits. Before investing, however, it is necessary for a value investor to study the financials of a business, so that the stock he buys at the company’s intrinsic value promises a greater return at its liquidation value (the value of a company if all its assets were sold). A typical investor would buy growth stocks that have an upward trend, and seem likely to k...


What You Need to Know about Investment Portfolios 1 Lesson


5 Things You Should Know Before You Invest On The Stock Market 1 Lesson

5 Things You Should Know Before You Invest On The Stock Market

The stock market is an untamed animal, a wild beast. Sometimes, it is a raging bull that lifts and throws all stocks upwards into the sky. Sometimes it is a marauding bear that beats all stocks into the ground with brute force. And if you are entering the stock market, you have to ride this beast. It can be a rough ride or it can be smooth one depending on how you handle yourself. But, hey, you can take your precautions and plan your investments well if you keep these five fa...


Beginning Investing: Without Much To Invest! 1 Lesson

Beginning Investing: Without Much To Invest!

Is your list of things you wish you could do, but can’t afford to do, growing longer? Many people understand the value of investing, and the importance of investing in order to secure their futures, but they don’t have much available money that can be used for investing. These people might believe that they are not able to start investing and instead, continue to struggle with the daily living expenses and no plan for their financial future.


Emotion In Investing 1 Lesson

Emotion In Investing

Humans are all emotional being. We do not always make decisions rationally. Emotion is part of us as investors. Investors might feel better towards stocks at certain point or they might feel that owning stocks are risky and avoid it at all cost.


The Top Three Tips On Selecting A Financial Advisor 1 Lesson


How to Avoid Dumb Investment Mistakes 1 Lesson

How to Avoid Dumb Investment Mistakes

Get his tips about how to avoid the dumbest investment mistakes.


Understanding All Of Your Stock Options 1 Lesson

Understanding All Of Your Stock Options

In order to effectively invest your money into stocks of any kind, you must know all of your stock options so that you can efficiently earn money. Because stocks are simply small shares of a company, the more stocks you purchase to more you own of a certain company. For example, if you purchase 100,000 stocks in AutoZone, an automotive store, you would have more say in what takes place in the company that someone who only purchases 1,000 shares of AutoZones stock. There are t...


Understanding Financial Statements - What You Need To Know 1 Lesson


How to Interpret and Profit from Financial Statements 1 Lesson


What Are Operating Expenses And Why You Should Care 1 Lesson

What Are Operating Expenses And Why You Should Care

Operating expenses, operating income And operating margin are terms have to do with the overall health of a company’s operations and the ability for it to continue as an ongoing firm. These figures are best studied over a period of time against competing firms within the market sector of the particular firm.

Operating expenses are part of the overhead costs attached to selling products on the market. They are not necessarily directly connected to the cost of the specific product being sold but must be included when...


10 Tips On How To Survive A Stock Market Correction 1 Lesson

10 Tips On How To Survive A Stock Market Correction

Corrections (of all types) will vary in depth and duration, and both characteristics are clearly visible only in institutional grade rear view mirrors. The short and deep ones are the most lovable.


How To Beat The Dow Jones Industrial Average 1 Lesson

How To Beat The Dow Jones Industrial Average

To most investors, the DJIA provides all of the information they think they need, and they worship it mindlessly, thinking that this time tattered average has mystical predictive and analytic powers far beyond the scope of any other market numbers. It's Wall Street's rendition of "The Emperor's New Clothes".


Find The Stock Market Confusing? Keep Reading 1 Lesson


Risks Of The Stock Market – It Doesn’t Have To Be Scary 1 Lesson

Risks Of The Stock Market – It Doesn’t Have To Be Scary

You have no doubt heard many "experts" say that sex sells. Well, I don't know whether or not that is true but I do know that fear sells. That is one of the reasons there is so much written about the risks of the stock market.

But, is it true? Is the stock market really such a scary place or is that all a marketing ploy to get us to hire a certain firm, watch a certain news show or buy a certain book so we don't make any mistakes with our money?
